Akshay Balsubramani

: akshay { at } akshay { dot } bio
: b-akshay
: @_bakshay

Technical blog linked here.

Research Overview

Welcome! I work on and with AI/biotech ventures, based out of the San Francisco Bay Area. I {partner, build, code, write} with {executives, builders, and scientists} in AI, biotech, and drug discovery.

I have put together drug discovery efforts in a variety of domains, most recently as a Principal Scientist at Sanofi, on the mRNA Platform Design team.

I have worked in synthetic biology, building machine learning for drug discovery at Octant Bio.

I have been a genomics researcher, with postdoctoral training in the lab of Anshul Kundaje at Stanford University. My genomics research has focused on computationally elucidating gene networks and epigenetic regulation of transcription at the single-cell level.

I have been a machine learning and statistics researcher, working on methods for semi-supervised and representation learning and decision theory, as well as work on more foundational aspects of probability and stochastic processes. I completed my PhD at UC San Diego in machine learning, advised by Yoav Freund. I spent summers interning with the Machine Learning group at Microsoft Research NYC, the video content analysis group at Google Research Mountain View, and the Interaction and Intent group at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley.

Research Manuscripts

For an updated list, see my Google Scholar page.
Click on each paper title for a very unofficial one-sentence summary.



Workshop Only


* Indicates equal authorship.

Other writing

I maintain a blog where I post research-related content that hasn't made it into papers (yet).


Before the PhD, I was an Associate at Strand Life Sciences, where I did statistical genomics, developing tools for genomics researchers. Previously, I received a B.S. (High Honors) in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley. On the way to that degree, I minored in (quantum) physics at Berkeley as well. Before that, I lived in various parts of India, the US, and Singapore.

Some suggestions on research which I believe in.

I used to play the violin (and occasionally still do); before college, I got a distinction in it (unfortunately recordings are lost!). I also played the Carnatic classical style, which is less polyphonic but melodically richer than the Western European classical tradition.

I have always enjoyed traveling and do so whenever the opportunity arises. I like running, occasionally structured. In my free time, I sometimes write on history and philosophy tidbits I find interesting.

This site is (still and perennially) under construction.