Making animations
Stringing together plots into gifs
Introduction: data-driven gifs
Nothing beats a short gif-length video for driving awareness of ML work on social media. Even when the work involves complex algorithms on data, a few plots of the algorithm's output ranging over different inputs can be worth an entire abstract.
In this notebook, I'll document how I make a data-driven gif from a sequence of data-driven images, i.e. plots.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import HTML
from celluloid import Camera
def create_animation(coords, clrarr, niter=None, qnorm=True):
coords: An array with each row representing an observation (point in scatterplot). First and second columns are treated as x and y coordinates.
clrarr: One of two possibilities:
- List of arrays, representing color values at each frame.
- Function taking one argument, the iteration number. In this case niter must be specified.
animation: A matplotlib ArtistAnimation object
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(6,6))
camera = Camera(fig)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
#fig.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None)
num_iterations = len(clrarr) if niter is None else niter
for it in range(num_iterations):
if it % 10 == 0:
print(f"iter: [{it}/{num_iterations}]")
if niter is None:
new_colors = clrarr[it]
else: # clrarr should be a function.
# TBD: If clrarr is not a function, throw an exception
# If clrarr is a function, assume it follows the spec above. Then:
new_colors = clrarr(it)
plot_arr = scipy.stats.rankdata(new_colors) if qnorm else new_colors
axes.scatter(coords[:,0], coords[:,1], c=plot_arr, s=0.3)
animation = camera.animate()
return animation
Single-cell data
An important area of application of graph methods in the life sciences is in the analysis of single-cell data. A single-cell experiment can measure the biochemical activity of thousands of cells at once, yielding a relatively comprehensive sample of a wide range of cell types, including some which cannot be physically dissociated from each other.
With extensive cell type heterogeneity being typical and interesting, single-cell researchers want to squeeze as much as possible out of each dataset without averaging over cell-to-cell variation. So researchers have favored a form of analysis that extensively uses the nearest-neighbor graph 1 between the cells as a "data manifold." Single-cell datasets are a good way of trying out these methods.
I'll demonstrate label propagation on single-cell gene expression data from the GTEx consortium, as I've written about previously.
import sys, numpy as np, time, scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import anndata, scanpy as sc
print('Packages imported.')
# !curl -o GTEx_8_tissues_snRNAseq_atlas_071421.public_obs.h5ad
gtex9_all_adta_name = 'GTEx_8_tissues_snRNAseq_atlas_071421.public_obs.h5ad'
fname = gtex9_all_adta_name
adta =
Import algorithm
I'll use a brief implementation of the algorithm written in my earlier post. Please see that post for the description.
import requests
url = ''
r = requests.get(url)
# make sure your filename is the same as how you want to import
with open('', 'w') as f:
# now we can import
from label_propagation import *
carr = np.zeros((adta.shape[0], 1))
carr[0, 0] = 1
carr[100000, 0] = 1
itime = time.time()
cumuvals = label_propagation(carr, adta.obsp['connectivities'], np.ravel(carr == 1), param_alpha=0.999, method='iterative')
print("Time taken for label propagation: {}".format(time.time() - itime))
itime = time.time()
coords = adta.obsm['X_umap']
animation = create_animation(coords, cumuvals)
print("Time taken to generate frames: {}".format(time.time() - itime))
Render animation
Now we can render this inline in the browser; there are other ways to do it, which ran into more painful dependency issues when I tried them.
itime = time.time()
print("Time taken to produce html animation: {}".format(time.time() - itime))
HTML(animation.to_jshtml())"ranking_search.mp4", dpi=200, fps=20)