Akshay Balsubramani

I do science and related business in machine learning, drug discovery, and functional genomics.

I am a Principal Scientist at Sanofi, on the mRNA Platform Design team. I also work on and with a variety of biotech ventures in the Bay Area.

In total, I generate all three classes of therapeutic drugs – small molecules, proteins/antibodies, and DNA/RNA sequence – with machine learning.


I have worked in synthetic biology, building machine learning for drug discovery at Octant Bio.

I have been a genomics researcher, with postdoctoral training in the lab of Anshul Kundaje at Stanford University. My genomics research has focused on computationally elucidating gene networks and epigenetic regulation of transcription at the single-cell level.

I have been a machine learning and statistics researcher, working on methods for semi-supervised and representation learning and decision theory, as well as work on more foundational aspects of probability and stochastic processes. I completed my PhD at UC San Diego in machine learning, advised by Yoav Freund. I spent summers interning with the Machine Learning group at Microsoft Research NYC, the video content analysis group at Google Research Mountain View, and the Interaction and Intent group at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley.