Looking up gene sets in databases

Some wrapper code for gProfiler

Akshay Balsubramani


December 22, 2022

Looking up the significance of gene sets

The Gene Ontology (GO) is a controlled vocabulary for describing gene function. It is organized as a directed acyclic graph with three main branches: biological process, molecular function, and cellular component. The GO is a useful tool for summarizing the results of an analysis over protein-coding genes.

Querying the GO is often performed alongside queries to other databases, such as those for protein-protein interaction. Here is code for querying several major databases all at once, using the g:Profiler web service (Raudvere et al. 2019). Along with the excellent gget package (Luebbert and Pachter 2023), this covers many common gene-set lookup use cases. Here is a wrapper, adapting an excellent existing Python port for the gProfiler API to report the heterogeneous results of the lookup in a pandas dataframe.

import requests
import numpy as np, pandas as pd

BASE_URL = "http://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler/"
HEADERS = {'User-Agent': 'python-gprofiler'}

def gprofiler(
    query, topk=20, organism='hsapiens', ordered_query=False, significant=True, 
    exclude_iea=False, region_query=False, max_p_value=1.0, max_set_size=0, 
    correction_method='analytical', hier_filtering='none', 
    domain_size='annotated', custom_bg=[], numeric_ns='', no_isects=False, 
    png_fn=None, include_graph=False, src_filter=None, mode='enrich'
    ''' Annotate gene list functionally
    Interface to the g:Profiler tool for finding enrichments in gene lists. Organism
    names are constructed by concatenating the first letter of the name and the
    family name. Example: human - 'hsapiens', mouse - 'mmusculus'. If requesting PNG
    output, the request is directed to the g:GOSt tool in case 'query' is a vector
    and the g:Cocoa (compact view of multiple queries) tool in case 'query' is a
    list. PNG output can fail (return FALSE) in case the input query is too large.
    In such case, it is advisable to fall back to a non-image request.
    Returns a pandas DataFrame with enrichment results or None
    query_url = ''
    mode = 'enrich'   # Currently gprofiler gconvert gives an HTTP 405 error.
    if mode == 'enrich':
        my_url = BASE_URL + 'gcocoa.cgi'
    elif mode == 'lookup':
        my_url = BASE_URL + 'convert.cgi'
    wantpng = True if png_fn else False
    output_type = 'mini_png' if wantpng else 'mini'
    if wantpng:
        raise NotImplementedError('PNG Output not implemented')
    if include_graph:
        raise NotImplementedError('Biogrid Interactions not implemented (include_graph)')

    # Query
    qnames = list(query)
    if not qnames:
        raise ValueError('Missing query')
    query_url = ' '.join(qnames)

    # Significance threshold
    if correction_method == 'gSCS':
        correction_method = 'analytical'
    if correction_method not in ('analytical', 'fdr', 'bonferroni'):
        raise ValueError("Multiple testing correction method not recognized (correction_method)")

    # Hierarchical filtering
    if hier_filtering not in ('none', 'moderate', 'strong'):
        raise ValueError("hier_filtering must be one of \"none\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\"")
    if hier_filtering == 'strong':
        hier_filtering = 'compact_ccomp'
    elif hier_filtering == 'moderate':
        hier_filtering = 'compact_rgroups'
        hier_filtering = ''

    # Domain size
    if domain_size not in ('annotated', 'known'):
        raise ValueError("domain_size must be one of \"annotated\" or \"known\"")

    # Custom background
    if isinstance(custom_bg, list):
        custom_bg = ' '.join(custom_bg)
        raise TypeError('custom_bg need to be a list')

    # Max. set size
    if max_set_size < 0:
        max_set_size = 0

    # HTTP request
    if mode == 'enrich':
        query_params = {
            'organism': organism,
            'query': query_url,
            'output': output_type,
            'analytical': '1',
            'sort_by_structure': '1',
            'ordered_query': '1' if ordered_query else '0',
            'significant': '1' if significant else '0',
            'no_iea': '1' if exclude_iea else '0',
            'as_ranges': '1' if region_query else '0',
            'omit_metadata': '0' if include_graph else '1',
            'user_thr': str(max_p_value),
            'max_set_size': str(max_set_size),
            'threshold_algo': correction_method,
            'hierfiltering': hier_filtering,
            'domain_size_type': domain_size,
            'custbg_file': '',
            'custbg': custom_bg,
            'prefix': numeric_ns,
            'no_isects': '1' if no_isects else '0'
    elif mode == 'lookup':
        query_params = {
            'query': query_url, 
            'target': 'GO'
    if src_filter:
        for i in src_filter:
            query_params['sf_' + i] = '1'
    raw_query = requests.post(my_url, data=query_params, headers=HEADERS)

    # Here PNG request parsing would go, but not implementing that
    if wantpng:

    # Requested text
    split_query = raw_query.text.split('\n')

    # Here interaction parsing would go, but not implementing that
    if include_graph:

    # Parse main result body
    split_query = [
        for s in split_query
        if s and not s.startswith('#')
    enrichment = pd.DataFrame(split_query)
    if mode == 'enrich':
        colnames = [
            "query.number", "significant", "p.value", "term.size", 
            "query.size", "overlap.size", "recall", "precision", 
            "term.id", "domain", "subgraph.number", "term.name", 
            "relative.depth", "intersection"
        numeric_colnames = [
            "query.number", "p.value", "term.size", 
            "query.size", "overlap.size", "recall", 
            "precision", "subgraph.number", "relative.depth"
    elif mode == 'lookup':
        return enrichment
        #colnames = ["alias.number", "alias", "target.number", "target", "name", "description", "namespace"]
        #numeric_colnames = ["alias.number", "target.number"]
    if enrichment.shape[1] > 0:
        enrichment.columns = colnames
        enrichment.index = enrichment['term.id']
        numeric_columns = numeric_colnames
        for column in numeric_columns:
            enrichment[column] = pd.to_numeric(enrichment[column])
        if mode == 'enrich':
            enrichment['significant'] = enrichment['significant'] == '!'
        enrichment = None
    # Only report most significant results
    if (enrichment is not None) and (enrichment.shape[0] > 0):
        x = np.array(np.argsort(enrichment['p.value']))
        enrichment = enrichment.iloc[x[:topk], :]
    return enrichment

def viz_gprofiler(selected_genes, topk=20):
    go_results = gprofiler(selected_genes, topk=topk)
    database_colors = { 'MF': '#CB3C19', 'BP': '#FA9D18', 'CC': '#198520', 'keg': '#D9869B', 'rea': '#335ACC', 'tf': '#4F6E9B', 'mir': '#53B8AD', 'hpa': '#542DB1', 'cor': '#6AAB19', 'hp': '#8C0784'}
    database_IDs = {'MF': 'Molecular function', 'BP': 'Biological process', 'CC': 'Cellular component', 'keg': 'KEGG', 'rea': 'REAC', 'tf': 'TF', 'mir': 'MIRNA', 'hpa': 'HPA', 'cor': 'CORUM', 'hp': 'HP'}
    top_go_logpvals = -np.log10(go_results['p.value'].astype(float))
    top_go_dbIDs = go_results['domain']
    top_go_termnames = go_results['term.name']
    top_go_termIDs = go_results['term.id']
    top_go_queryhits = go_results['intersection']
    bar_colors = np.array([database_colors[x] for x in top_go_dbIDs])
    panel_data = []
    ordi = np.arange(len(top_go_dbIDs))[::-1]
    for c in np.unique(bar_colors):
        trace_locs = np.where(bar_colors == c)[0]
        trace_locs = trace_locs[::-1]      # Reverse because it's better.
            'name': database_IDs[top_go_dbIDs[trace_locs[0]]], 
            'x': top_go_logpvals[trace_locs],
            # 'y': ordi[trace_locs], 
            'y': top_go_termIDs[trace_locs],
            'hovertext': [
                "-log10(p): {}<br>{}<br>{}".format(
                    str(round(top_go_logpvals[t], 2)), 
                ) for t in trace_locs], 
            'text': top_go_termnames[trace_locs]
    return panel_data
go_results = gprofiler(['NF1', 'KRAS', 'RAF1'])
query.number significant p.value term.size query.size overlap.size recall precision term.id domain subgraph.number term.name relative.depth intersection
GO:0021896 1 True 0.000012 2 3 2 0.667 1.000 GO:0021896 BP 11 forebrain astrocyte differentiation 2 KRAS,NF1
GO:0021897 1 True 0.000012 2 3 2 0.667 1.000 GO:0021897 BP 11 forebrain astrocyte development 3 KRAS,NF1
REAC:R-HSA-6802949 1 True 0.000018 51 3 3 1.000 0.059 REAC:R-HSA-6802949 rea 8 Signaling by RAS mutants 3 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
KEGG:01521 1 True 0.000055 79 3 3 1.000 0.038 KEGG:01521 keg 50 EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance 1 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
REAC:R-HSA-6802953 1 True 0.000056 4 3 2 0.667 0.500 REAC:R-HSA-6802953 rea 8 RAS signaling downstream of NF1 loss-of-f... 3 KRAS,NF1
REAC:R-HSA-6802957 1 True 0.000057 74 3 3 1.000 0.041 REAC:R-HSA-6802957 rea 8 Oncogenic MAPK signaling 2 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
HP:0002967 1 True 0.000283 32 3 3 1.000 0.094 HP:0002967 hp 23 Cubitus valgus 1 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
GO:0046578 1 True 0.001030 219 3 3 1.000 0.014 GO:0046578 BP 62 regulation of Ras protein signal transduction 2 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
HP:0030063 1 True 0.001190 51 3 3 1.000 0.059 HP:0030063 hp 43 Neuroepithelial neoplasm 3 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
GO:0035020 1 True 0.001220 15 3 2 0.667 0.133 GO:0035020 BP 62 regulation of Rac protein signal transduc... 3 KRAS,NF1
HP:0030061 1 True 0.001410 54 3 3 1.000 0.056 HP:0030061 hp 43 Neuroectodermal neoplasm 2 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
HP:0100836 1 True 0.001410 54 3 3 1.000 0.056 HP:0100836 hp 41 Malignant neoplasm of the central nervous... 3 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
HP:0030060 1 True 0.001410 54 3 3 1.000 0.056 HP:0030060 hp 43 Nervous tissue neoplasm 1 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
KEGG:04014 1 True 0.001450 233 3 3 1.000 0.013 KEGG:04014 keg 15 Ras signaling pathway 1 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
REAC:R-HSA-5621575 1 True 0.001960 21 3 2 0.667 0.095 REAC:R-HSA-5621575 rea 14 CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling 1 RAF1,KRAS
REAC:R-HSA-5673001 1 True 0.001980 239 3 3 1.000 0.013 REAC:R-HSA-5673001 rea 58 RAF/MAP kinase cascade 3 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
REAC:R-HSA-5684996 1 True 0.002140 245 3 3 1.000 0.012 REAC:R-HSA-5684996 rea 58 MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling 2 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
HP:0010991 1 True 0.002160 62 3 3 1.000 0.048 HP:0010991 hp 52 Abnormality of the abdominal musculature 1 RAF1,KRAS,NF1
REAC:R-HSA-5673000 1 True 0.002800 25 3 2 0.667 0.080 REAC:R-HSA-5673000 rea 58 RAF activation 4 RAF1,KRAS
KEGG:04010 1 True 0.002980 296 3 3 1.000 0.010 KEGG:04010 keg 22 MAPK signaling pathway 1 RAF1,KRAS,NF1


Luebbert, Laura, and Lior Pachter. 2023. “Efficient Querying of Genomic Reference Databases with Gget.” Bioinformatics 39 (1): btac836.
Raudvere, Uku, Liis Kolberg, Ivan Kuzmin, Tambet Arak, Priit Adler, Hedi Peterson, and Jaak Vilo. 2019. “G: Profiler: A Web Server for Functional Enrichment Analysis and Conversions of Gene Lists (2019 Update).” Nucleic Acids Research 47 (W1): W191–98.